Operation Exodus Now Available!

Operation Exodus went on sale today on Amazon. It will also be available on most other outlets later in the week.

The book is available both in e-book format or in paperback. To find out what the book is about, the story line is summarized below. To order your copy, click here.

In Operation Exodus, six evangelical missionaries become unwitting pawns in a high stakes gambit by the Iranian government to embarrass a hated sitting president, and ruin his chance of reelection. So that a Soviet-style show trial can be held, the Iranian intelligence service, SAVAC, tasks a brainwashing expert, Colonel Salehrad, with spiriting the missionaries out of Teheran and to a remote location. There he must dupe them into believing, and confessing, that they are CIA spies.  In an all-out effort to locate the prisoners, the national security advisor enlists the help of the Israeli intelligence service, Mossad. The Israelis locate the prisoners in an ancient fortified prison just outside the southeastern Iranian port of Kanarak, a resort city off the Gulf of Oman, famous worldwide as a sport fishing paradise.  The Israelis place an agent in the field, Hamad, to observe and report. Hamad goes to Kanarak posing as a sport fisherman on an off-season vacation. As efforts to resolve the crisis through diplomatic channels go nowhere, and with the General Election only weeks away, the president orders a military rescue operation

Called to lead the rescue operation is Navy SEAL lieutenant Jake Lawlor, grandson of a legendary WWII submarine commander.  Lawlor and his team are fresh back from deployment in Afghanistan, and are now faced with a prisoner extraction operation on foreign soil with no rehearsals, and very little solid intelligence to go on.  To make matters worse, the president keeps goading the Iranians on social media, even to the point of telegraphing his intention to “go in after” the missionaries.

Operation Exodus follows Jake and his SEAL team on the rescue mission, charts their successes, and some unwelcome surprises, as the mission unfolds.  Nothing comes off quite as planned, and Jake discovers, on breeching the prison, that one of the missionaries has already succumbed to the SAVAC colonel’s wiles and has been whisked off into town.  What follows is a rescue mission inside a rescue mission, and enough twists and turns to keep the reader turning pages to find out what happens next.
