Today we remember all those who paid the ultimate sacrifice, by giving their very lives in defense of the freedoms the rest of us continue to enjoy.
Starting with the War for Independence, and right up to the actions in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, American servicemen have willingly put themselves in harm’s way, putting their lives on the line, sacrificing for American ideals. Along with the rest of a grateful nation, those of us who have served, and were not called to pay that ultimate price, today salute all those who did.
In particular, I ask you to remember the 375 officers, and the 3,131 enlisted men, who gave up their lives in submarines in World War II. In that action, 52 US submarines were lost.. The US Navy Submarine Service had the highest casualty percentage of any American forces in the War: about 20%. We must never forget their sacrifice.
It’s been said so often it has become trite: “Freedom is not free.” Trite perhaps, but true nonetheless.

Image by Brett Sayles