Getting Interviewed

One of the fun things you get to do as an author is getting interviewed. Okay, it’s not like sitting down with a TV show host or somebody from 60 Minutes, and being asked questions, or even answering questions over the telephone, but it is something like that. Rather, the interviewer emails you a list of questions, you type out your answers and send them back, and then they are posted on their web page.

One such interview was sent to me by Melina Druga, who runs the Historical Fiction Writers Support Group on Goodreads. Melina has her own website. You can read the interview by going to the link here.

Another such interview was conducted by Tony Eames for a website call NFReads. Now, while the site title “NF” refers to “non-fiction,” apparently that title is interpreted loosely enough to include historic fiction. I took advantage of this interview to plug my next book, Operation Exodus. You can read this interview by going to the link here.

The audio book version of Silent Warriors is still in process, and Bill Bird just finished narrating Chapter 12 for production. Only sixteen more chapters and an Epilogue to go! As for Operation Exodus, the final edits are done, and after some serious proofreading, it’s still on track for release – possibly as early in pre-publication by May 1st. But Escarpment Press has made no promises.

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