Moving Right Along…

Folks aren’t exactly rushing to their computers to order Silent Warriors, and sales have been admittedly slow.  Part of the problem is that when one Google’s “Silent Warriors” you get a plethora of titles, none of which includes my opus.  Only “Silent Warriors Submarine” will bring up my book (assuming, of course, that you were searching for it to begin with).  Of course, hitting up this website will provide you with a direct link to the book on Amazon anytime.

I also have a second novel in the works: Operation Exodus.  In this book, the main character is Jacob Joseph Lawlor, Jr., the grandson of  Silent Warriors’s submarine skipper.  Jake, a Navy Seal, is tasked with rescuing six missionaries who are being held on trumped-up charges in the Islamic Republic of Iran.  Look for Operation Exodus sometime this coming Spring.

Still no Facebook account.  No response whatever to my emails or snail mail appeal.  Guess the folks there follow the Golden Rule: “It’s them with the gold what makes the rules.”  Meanwhile, you can always follow me on Twitter (link below) or on Linkedin at .
